The ultimate aim of meditation is to become more and more conscious. Enlightenment, therefore, is becoming fully conscious.
The Biology of Consciousness: Case Studies in Kundalini
JJ Semple
A collection of Kundalini case studies.
Seminal Retention and Higher Consciousness: The Sexology of Kundalini
JJ Semple
Retain psychic fuel, improve health and wellbeing.
The Backward-Flowing Method: The Secret of Life and Death
J J Semple
How sexual sublimation activates Kundalini.
The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life
Mariner Books
A step-by-step method for awakening Kundalini.
Natalie: A Kundalini Love Story
Paul Lyons
Jim and Natalie meet on a freezing London sidewalk. The beautiful Thai woman is shoplifting a bottle of Listerine.